• Gardening & Crafts

    Planting Tomatoes

    I began this morning as I do most mornings these days, by pulling back the curtain and staring out at the tomato plants growing right outside my window. I check the growth on the low hanging Big Boys…that appear not to be there today (Rats! Damn woodchucks!), and the clusters of cherry tomatoes that hang like grapes from another plant,…

  • Food

    Apple Jelly

    Just finished making my first…and last…batch of apple jelly.  It may take me a week to recuperate.    Jelly making had never been something that interested me, but stuck as I was between strawberry and blueberry jam seasons and with weeks to go before peach season began and still mentally trapped in the whole “preserving for winter” frame of mind,…

  • My Life


    I was thirteen the year Hurricane Diane blew into town.  Hurricane Carol, the previous year, probably packed more of an actual punch, but Diane caused a lot more damage, devastation, and long-term problems in my little corner of the world.  And although I don’t have vivid memories of the storm itself, I remember the events immediately following it as if…

  • My Life

    The Kiss – 1956

    I love April.  It’s my favorite month of the year.  April is springtime and daffodils and leaves budding on trees.  It’s the world turning warmer and greener with the promise of rebirth.  April is the month of my birthday and the anniversary of my first kiss and even now, the thought of it still fills me with joy and makes…

  • My Life

    Saturday In the Park with Rhea

    My childhood was marvelous. Raised in a small town where the environment was safe, the world was my oyster. As long as I promised to stay off the railroad tracks and away from the river I could wander at will. I was always a tomboy and, together with my sister Joan and our friends, we loved adventure. We formed clubs…

  • Food,  Seasonal

    Summer Morning Jamming

    Summer is such a wonderful season what with the longer days, plentiful sunshine, warm weather, and vacations all over the place, but at the very top of my list of personal favorites is the abundance of farm fresh produce piled high at all the local farm stands, or perhaps right from home gardens if you have the space and have…